Would you like to help your students understand themselves and others better?

What are their directions in life? Do they understand their potential roles in society?

Will they engage in the Arts, Music, Science, Religion, Academia, Medicine, Entertainment or Psychology? Agriculture, Nature, History?... Undoubtably your school has some stars who have found their direction and purpose early in life, but there are always many students who need a little more help in defining themselves and discovering their abilities.

Click on the topics below to expand them.
If you can not expand the topics outline, click here to read them.

Expand/Collapse Item We offer a Grouping Technique for your school.
    Our technique helps students discover their own characters with greater clarity and definition. They will also gain a greater understanding of social interaction and will become more interested and involved in the benefits and responsibilities of society. Our grouping technique can produce meaningful structured social experiences for your students. In these groupings your high achieving students will be better positioned to serve as role models for their classmates.

    This technique will help a large school feel like a much smaller community. It will encourage the spirit of tolerance, cooperation & harmony within your school. Large school populations will actually yield better results in a shorter time than small ones. The student experience will be more clearly defined in groups that are derived from large populations.

    This grouping technique can be used as a mainstream grouping system or as groupings in specialized classes geared toward understanding character and society. It will help you to achieve a higher level of success in dealing with your students collectively. It will also help you to better meet each individual student's needs.

Expand/Collapse Item Review a free demonstration & and receive $5000.
    You can review a free demonstration report
    This report will outline several sample groups to assemble and review. The demonstration groups are not a complete system, and are only selected to show that our grouping technique can produce meaningful structured social experiences for your students. The groups we select for the demonstration will be easy to manage. The teachers need not make any changes at all.

    We know that trying new techniques can be unpopular. Will $5,000 help?
    We have sponsors who wish to promote this technique in the educational system and toward that goal will donate $5000 to your school upon the completion of your review of the free demonstration. This money will either be earmarked for, or donated as, computer equipment & software, library books or musical instruments & literature. The sponsors require that we document the preparation and review of your free demonstration and that you provide the information necessary for a tax deduction. We must therefore be more involved in the sponsored demonstrations than in the unsponsored ones.

    What information do we need for your demonstration?
    Please first remember that prejudices hold back progress and have never contributed to the discovery of any solutions for problems. The scientific method is to test for verification, not to say "nonsense" or "pooh pooh". You can visit the website of Astrofaces, a related research project.

    We simply require that you send us a list of all your students' birthdates.
    Please be accurate. Remember "GIGO". ("garbage in, garbage out")
    1. For each student include a unique identifier and their birthdate.
      • Anything you use for an identifier is acceptable if it does not confuse the records of two students and if you will recognize each student when you receive our report so that you can group them accordingly. Please keep in mind that we do not need to know anything else about your students. You do not need to send any other information. The students' privacy is maintained.
      • It is important to provide the students' birth data as complete and as accurate as possible. If a birthdate is not known or only approximately known, please note this. You can use any consistent date format. In the email or in the first line of the list, specify the date format used: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy. It is important to ensure consistency of the date format throughout the list.
    2. Save the list as an ASCII text file with one row for each student.
      Here is an example:
      (identifier) (mm/dd/yyyy)
      DavyL65 01/12/1994
      MiriJ87 12/06/1993
      TammyR51 02/23/1997
      JoeyF41 10/09/1993
      JackB72 05/15/1998
      We prefer lists formatted as either "quote delimited" or "comma delimited" or "field length". The example above is "field length delimited". (it is organized by columns with set widths)
      Please send only uncompressed ASCII text files. (Your ZIP files may not open on our systems).
    3. Click Here to Send Your List..

    Within two to three weeks after you send your list, you will receive a report which outlines several sample groups for you to assemble and evaluate at your own pace. The students in each group will be similar or compatible with regard to important psychological traits.
    The groups will conform to your normal class size if you let us know the average size of your classes.
    The teachers need not make any changes at all. It is preferable that you not tell the teachers anything about the grouping system so that their reports will not be swayed by expectations and so that you will have their candid impressions.
    All work is strictly confidential. Remember, you will send us only a unique identifier and a birthdate for each student in your school.

Expand/Collapse Item Our technique is provided as an Annual Grouping Report Service.
    When you subscribe to one year of our service, you will receive a series of groupings that will give your students a range of structured social experiences. These social experiences are created by simply participating in the groups. Each student will belong to several groups, and participate in each of them in time. These groups will enable each student to experience their own character together with and in constrast to those of other students in a meaningful way.

    The teachers need not make any changes at all . These groupings will not intrude upon your normal academic curriculum, and may even help to expand it as you see that your students become more successful and involved in learning in less time than usual! You will find that the children, as focused groups, will be more interested in their regular studies and in their academic setting.

    We will be available for consultations to answer any queries you may have. You will determine the level of our involvement.

Expand/Collapse Item How much is the Annual Service?
    As noted above, there is no charge for the Demonstration. There is no obligation to subscribe to our service after evaluating the demonstration, although we would appreciate hearing of your results and observations.

    Our Grouping Report Service is offered on an annual basis.
    The fee for our basic service depends upon the number of students enrolled.
    • The yearly fee for your school will be $500 if there are fewer than 100 students participating.
    • If the number of participating students exceeds 100 the fee will be $5 per student.

    Our service is meant to be affordable and beneficial, therefore we will negotiate the fee with schools which are unable to meet this price due to budgetary issues, etc. However, negotiated fees are not eligible for the the friendly discount policy below.

Expand/Collapse Item We have a Friendly Discount Policy.
    Our service is meant to be accessible to everyone.
    If you introduce our service to another school and they subscribe for a year, your school will enjoy a 25% discount in their first year.
    Subscribing two schools will reduce your fee by 50% their first year.
    That is the maximum discount available in one year.
    If you introduce more than two schools in one year, we will credit your account with future discounts for the following year, and the one after that, and so on.

Expand/Collapse Item A downloadable Thank You gift for visiting our site.
    If you wish, you can download a copy of Trachtenberg Multiplication, a tutorial for your Math Lab.
    TracMath teaches an alternative method of multiplication. When your students ask "How does it work?", you can take the opportunity to explore the algebraic explanation. Trachtenberg Multiplication runs on Windows 95 and later versions.

Email your student list for your free demonstration.
Copyright habarbadi 1999

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