Send Your Data

First, please make efforts to be accurate when sending data.
Remember "GIGO". ("Garbage In, Garbage Out").

  1. Click to View a Sample Grouping Report in PDF format
  2. Prepare an Original List of your Students

    • Prepare a spreadsheet file of all your students.
    • Add a new column of numbers at the left from 1 to the number of students. IMPORTANT: You need to make this new column to assign a unique ID number to each student. Do not use the spreadsheet row number, since that is not connected to each record when you sort the spreadsheet.
         Click Here to See How To Do This
    • This list will include four first fields for each student: a new unique number as a sequential identifier and their student id, name and birth date.
    • In following fields, include as much data as you can from their school records. Scores, grades, attendance, behaviors and comments are all helpful. We will draw keywords from the comments. If it is possible to add headers with the subject of each test score, this will help. (columns for Art, History, Math, etc) Contact us for details.
    • Save this file as "Altissima_SchoolKey" and keep this original complete list as the key list for your school.

    This original list will be your School Key List as shown below - keep the name of the student, their Student ID number and their birth data. You keep this list in your school and refer to it later when you receive our reports. This will be the way you will find the names of the students who we will specify by number in our reports.

    The original list with the students' names is the School Key List
    SequentialID StudentID StudentName (mm/dd/yyyy) History Math
    107 HJ41 Hal Jordan 10/09/1993 B 77
    108 CK51 Clark Kent 02/23/1997 C 84
    109 LL72 Lana Lang 05/15/1998 A+ 73
    110 JJ87 John Jones 12/06/1993 B- 79
    111 TS35 Tony Stark 01/12/1994 C 92
  3. Now use 'SAVE AS..' to save the list as "Altissima_DataList".

    The second list will be the Altissima Data List - Drop the student ID and name columns from this list and keep only the ID number with the birth date and the other data fields. This is the list you will send to us in ASCII text file format. We can work with lists formatted as "quote delimited" or "comma delimited" or "field length". The example below is "field length". it is organized in columns with defined widths. Prepare this list as an plain simple ASCII text file like a CSV file. Please do not compress the file.

    The second list without the student names is the Altissima Data List.
    SequentialID (mm/dd/yyyy) History Math
    107 10/09/1993 B 77
    108 02/23/1997 C 84
    109 05/15/1998 A+ 73
    110 12/06/1993 B- 79
    111 01/12/1994 C 92
  4. Send your school contact data and Altissima Data List via this form:
  5. Your Three Demonstration Reports will arrive within three weeks.
    We'll contact you within two or three days. Then within two to three weeks after you send your list, you will receive a report which outlines three sample groups for you to assemble and evaluate at your own pace. The students in each group will be grouped for compatible personality traits.
  6. Assemble the classes.
    Assemble the classes as defined by the reports. It is preferable that you not tell the teachers anything about the grouping system so that their reports will not be swayed by expectations and you will have their candid impressions of the new classes. All work is strictly confidential. Remember, you will send us only a unique identifier and data for each student in your school. The teachers need not make any changes at all.
  7. Send Feedback.
    When you see and hear the results from the teachers and students, send us the feedback. We are interested to have your impressions and evaluations.